All CSUN career services (CEPD, EYCC, and Career Center) utilize Handshake as a online career management platform. Students and alumni …
LinkedIn Learning is an online educational platform that helps you discover and develop business, technology-related, and creative skills through expert-led …
Instant resume feedback and scoring!
SMART Resume – Analyze your generic resume to provide immediate detailed feedback to help identify strengths …
Instant feedback and scoring!
Career Fit – Analyze your tailored resume to provide detailed feedback with the match of skills and …
Looking for the best ranked companies, top internship programs, or career tips and guides?
Vault provides in-depth intelligence on what …
Instant feedback and scoring on your Elevator Pitch and Interview Skills! Analyze your body language, enunciation and content to provide …
Instant LinkedIn profile feedback and scoring!
Aspire (LinkedIn) – Analyze your LinkedIn profile to provide detailed feedback on the content, look, …
The Dean’s Closet is open for CSUN Nazarian students looking for professional clothing! All items are free!
All we ask …
GoinGlobal helps new and experienced job seekers find opportunities both at home and abroad.
If you’re looking for opportunities abroad …