Hire Student Interns

In our internship program, you will serve as co-educators and help to guide new generations as they enter the workforce.

We operate under the CEIA (Cooperative Education & Internship Association) internship definition:
Internship (n): An internship is a form of experiential education that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom, with practical application and skill development in a professional, work setting. Students may earn academic credit, as determined by an educational institution, or there is another connection to a degree-granting educational institution.

If you’re interested in hiring an intern but have never created an internship description before, we have a guide and sample for you here.

Many CSUN Nazarian students do internships for academic credit, therefore their internships must take place during an academic semester. Additionally, students must complete a minimum of 135 internship hours during the semester they are enrolled. Please keep that in mind when hiring CSUN Nazarian students as interns.

General Academic Semester Timeline

Spring: January to May
Summer: May to August
Fall: August to December

Paid Internships vs Unpaid Internships

Academic internships can be a paid or an unpaid opportunity.
Paid internships are defined as paying at least California minimum wage. Click here to view the current minimum wage.

If you are offering an unpaid internship, please review the Department of Labor’s guidance on Internship Programs under the Fair Labor Standards Act and ensure that your internship opportunity meets the stated criteria for an allowable unpaid internship. Stipend and commission-only based internships are considered unpaid as they will not meet minimum wage.

We adhere to the NACE Position Statement on U.S. Internships and we expect our collaborators to do the same in the best interest of our students and their learning experiences.

Our Process

Please review this Employer Guide to understand what it means to be an employer of a Nazarian College intern. We appreciate your support of our students!